Purchase entire CD download in MP3 format by pushing the “Add to Cart” button below, for only $7.99 USD. Vegas Lights CD (Download Price: $7.99)
Click the play button in front of the individual song titles to hear a sample of the song listed.
The “Add to Cart” buttons below each song title, allows for the individual MP3 purchase and download of a single song title, or multiple song titles, for only 99¢ each song title selection.
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/01.-VEGAS-LIGHTS.mp3|titles=01. VEGAS LIGHTS]
01.VEGAS LIGHTS (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/02.-A-NO-DRAMA-LOVE.mp3|titles=02. A NO DRAMA LOVE]
02. A NO DRAMA LOVE (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/03.-WELL-RUN-DRY.mp3|titles=03. WELL RUN DRY]
03. WELL RUN DRY (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/04.-I-NEEDS-MY-BABY.mp3|titles=04. I NEEDS MY BABY]
04. I NEEDS MY BABY (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/05.-BECAREFUL-OF-THE-SNAPPER.mp3|titles=05. BECAREFUL OF THE SNAPPER]
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/06.-AND-U-ME.mp3|titles=06. AND U ME]
06. AND U ME (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/07.-N-3-HOURS-I-WANT-YO-LAST-OUT.mp3|titles=07. N 3 HOURS I WANT YO LAST OUT]
07. N 3 HOURS I WANT YO LAST OUT (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/08.-IT-TAKES-MORE-THAN-2-OR-3-INCHES-TO-DO-A-10-TO-12-INCH-JOB.mp3|titles=08. IT TAKES MORE THAN 2 OR 3 INCHES TO DO A 10 TO 12 INCH JOB]
08. IT TAKES MORE THAN 2 OR 3 INCHES TO DO A 10 TO 12 INCH JOB (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/09.-NO-FAKE-TITTIES.mp3|titles=09. NO FAKE TITTIES]
09. NO FAKE TITTIES (Price: $0.99)
[audio:https://luggnutt.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/10.-VEGAS-LIGHTS-.-NO-DIALOGUE.mp3|titles=10. VEGAS LIGHTS . NO DIALOGUE]
10. VEGAS LIGHTS . NO DIALOGUE (Price: $0.99)